Directions to Blue Owl Hollow
and Blue Owl Garden Emporium

Our home address (Blue Owl Hollow) is 6000 Porter Road, Newark, OH (phone: 740-345-4689).
The Blue Owl Garden Emporium address is 6075 Fallsburg Road, Newark, OH.

Here's a map to our place.

To get to either location, take Hwy 16 to the Hwy 79 North/Cedar Street exit. Turn north (left if coming from Columbus or Granville) at the stop sign, and drive north on Hwy 79, aka Fallsburg Road, about 6 miles, to the tiny community of Wilkins Corners.

You'll see a picturesque white church above the road on your left as the road curves left around a hill and then sharply right in front of a convenience store (Glenn's Market). Immediately to your left will be a large white store building. This, the house and other buildings clustered around it and the gardens on the hill above, is Blue Owl Garden Emporium. To visit the Emporium, turn left onto Wilkins Run Road, in front of Glenn's Market - there is parking in front of the barn on your left or along Wilkins Run Road.

To continue on to Blue Owl Hollow: instead of turning left on Wilkins Run Road, continue around the curve of Hwy 79; there's a pond on your right and a fire station on your left. Just after that the road curves around again to the left. In the middle of this curve, before going over the bridge, turn right ontoWilkins Run Road.

Go almost exactly one mile on Wilkins Run Road (east, past the trailer court and former Mary Ann elementary school, now the Mary Ann township hall), and turn right (south) onto an "improved" gravel road, Porter Road (if you start to head up a steep hill on Wilkins Run Road, you have gone too far).

Blue Owl Hollow is at the very end of Porter Road, about 1/4 mile. Ignore the sign proclaiming "No Outlet", and the fact that the numbering on the mailboxes does not make sense, and continue on to the end of the road. You'll see a big green and white American Tree Farm sign by a mailbox. When the gravel road ends and it looks like you have entered a construction zone from a previous century (the 19th!), you are in our driveway.


If you have any questions, give us a call or send us an email:

Janell (
Peter (